Two Energies, One Body - balance Your Male - Female Sides

Two Energies, One Body - balance Your Male - Female Sides

Female - Two Energies, One Body - balance Your Male - Female Sides

Good morning. Today, I discovered Female - Two Energies, One Body - balance Your Male - Female Sides. Which could be very helpful in my opinion and also you.

What is the big mystery of the male and female sides of the body? Why do we need to be aware of this? The body is energetically divided into two parts. The right and the left, male and female dominated sides. This is not a new concept, it has an origin in eastern philosophies like Buddhism, Yoga, and you can even find antique writings that the Mayan civilization was aware of the power of maintaining equilibrium in the middle of these two opposite energies.

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The Buddha taught it quite clearly. Each human being has a right and left hemisphere in the brain, which we classify as male and female, the right being female, left being male. The left or male side is in fee of the right side of the body and the right brain or female side is in fee of the left side of the body.

The Maya settled themselves and their environment into categories that allowed them to order and manipulate their world. They often categorized using the basic complementary pairing of male/female, and right/left.

In yoga, male energy (the sun), is referred to as Shiva, and is the form of the universe. Male energy is the domain of the right side of the body. Whereas female energy (the moon), is referred to as Shakti, and is the force of the universe. The female energy is the domain of the left side of the body.

The significant importance is that as one someone we need to be in constant equilibrium to be able to achieve the best of our world, thinking bodily and emotional. Both sides, male and female have to attain a harmonious whole.

The male side is usually related to our rationality, logic, linear thinking, and understanding. The female side is related to feelings, nurturing, caring, compassion, love, and all the emotional qualities. Each of us has sides, the emotional and the thinking capacity. Very few population form both equally, therefore their cart often topples. Emotionalism is just as much a danger as thinking without being in touch with one's feelings. That too can go very much astray.

A someone who goes too far on the side of rational thinking has to learn to equilibrium with feelings, the female side. Whatever who thinks to the extent where the feel of feelings is hardly known has to custom much mindfulness of feelings. On the other hand, the female side is often emotionalism. This means we are carried away by our emotions and consequently our thinking is impaired. The ability of logical thinking, of delving into a thought process and being able to analyze, is not inherent when the emotions are at the forefront.

During yoga practice, the goal is to contemplate and understand the dance in the middle of Shiva and Shakti. In this dance Shiva and Shakti flow in equilibrium with each other are bringing equilibrium to the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of the yogi.

When we feel blockages, or imbalances within our male/female essence or energy the results can be disastrous and harmful to our bodily body as well as our thinking body.

For example there is a belief that manic depression is tasteless and occurs when the right and left energies are uncontrolled or out of balance. When a someone is stuck on the right, the male manic side, then the body becomes wiry and thin and heart attacks come to be prevalent. When stuck on the left, the female depressive side the someone becomes lethargic and fat and of course depressed. The bodily base of these energies is the perineum in the male and the vulva in the female. Their other operate point is the left and right nostrils. Blocked nostrils and mucus can show a blockage of these energies.

There can also be outward signs of imbalances, observation to see if you are having issues with
males or females in your life and your body will begin to manifest these imbalances in the form of maladies. Issues with males may follow in easy things like stubbing your toe on the right foot, hurting your right elbow. The same goes with the opposite side of the body. Issues with females manifest in the left side of your body.

The balancing of male and female energy needs to be seen as connecting heart with mind. energy and concentration have to balance. In yoga the custom is to begin to allow the energy to realign itself with the body. Meditation is one of the most effective tools that can be used to join together and equilibrium the male/female energies. Yoga is used to prepare the body for meditation thus increasing the ability to have these energies find their space and begin to realign, to balance, to find harmony. Chakra balancing is an effective way in which to align those energies. Other very effective tools for connecting and balancing are Reiki, Watsu and pranayama work.

It is enchanting that this knowledge that has been with us through many centuries and was tasteless place then to detect bodily, thinking and spacial ills should be so foreign and mysterious to us in this so called "advanced" civilization. I believe that more and more as we enter the age of "inspirato"1 we will begin to learn how to listen and join together with our own energy. Only then will we begin to feel the equilibrium and healing that comes from this.

1. Inspirato-latin for inspiration. We will be enchanting from the age of facts to the age of a new world where compassion and respect for ourselves, the universe and others will prevail.

I hope you receive new knowledge about Female. Where you may put to used in your day-to-day life. And most significantly, your reaction is passed about Female. Read more.. Two Energies, One Body - balance Your Male - Female Sides.
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