Toxic Words - Verbal Abuse Can Hurt You

Penpals - Toxic Words - Verbal Abuse Can Hurt You

Hi friends. Yesterday, I discovered Penpals - Toxic Words - Verbal Abuse Can Hurt You. Which may be very helpful to me and also you. Toxic Words - Verbal Abuse Can Hurt You

"Sticks and stones may hurt my bones, but words will never hurt me" Remember that old saying that we used as kids to try to cope with name-calling? It probably wasn't very prosperous then, and in fact, just isn't true. We now know that words can hurt.

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We always knew that words could hurt our feelings, but it turns out that words can have a profound supervene on our bodies as well. Every cell in our body is eavesdropping on all things we say and all things that is said to us.

Studies by Dr. Masaru Emoto demonstrated that water molecules talk to the words that are used about them, changing their buildings to talk to the message. If the message is determined and loving, the water molecule changes into beautiful crystalline patterns; if the message is negative, the water molecule becomes deformed and ugly.

Quantum Physics has shown us that we originate our own possibilities in the universe, and that matter responds to us and changes in response to what we envision.

This is powerful. Since we are mostly water, think about the serious implications of being nearby negative habitancy who use their words to put you down.

Mental condition professionals know that habitancy who are exposed to continual verbal abuse begin to believe what they are told, believing that they aren't worthy of being treated well, believing that they deserve to be belittled. In fact, if the cells of your body are listening in, and react to what they are being told, it follows that they may originate disease or at least decrease their capability to fight it off.

It is vitally foremost to surround yourself with habitancy who maintain you and encourage you to be your best. Quite literally, it can be a matter of life or death. While this may sound like an exaggeration, think for a moment about habitancy you have known who have been in hostile, emotionally abusive relationships and the toll it has taken on their health.

If you have been surrounding yourself with habitancy who belittle you and use words to strike you, think how toxic this is for your health. Just as you wouldn't stay in an environment where you were breathing toxic chemicals--things that could make you sick or kill you--you shouldn't stay nearby habitancy who use words in toxic ways.

As much as possible, avoid being nearby habitancy who are negative toward you. No matter what their excuse is for it, it isn't good for you. If you can't avoid them completely, limit your time nearby them, and take steps to counteract the messages they send you by thinking determined thoughts and saying affirmations. Select to spend time and be in relationships with habitancy who maintain you and help you perceive your breathtaking potential. You'll live a much more joyful, salutary life!

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